The Many Faces of Farm Security with John Hill
Though simple cameras and video feeds might not seem like the kind of amazing, futuristic tech that really gets people excited, these tools – paired with the processing and detective power of AI and machine learning – have the possibility to unlock a ton of value without huge capital investments.
Today, we’re learning more about one business here in Australia that’s tackling the farm security space, and seeing it grow and transform rapidly before their eyes. Our guest is John Hill, Co-founder and Chief Storyteller at Land Watch Australia, who discusses:
- Why simple video monitoring is becoming even more valuable as climate change advances, for detecting biosecurity issues, water and land risks, and discouraging bad actors
- What farm security is, what value it offers to farmers and other rural property owners, and how it’s grown
- How he and his family have built a business model to serve regional Australia in the farm security space, and how he expects it to transform with the help of advanced software tools.